FBP2.ZIP [0] Football Pass, Run Pools, 60 People - More!
FFUN.ZIP [0] Football Fun - is an office football pool. It includes a 1994 professional schedule built into the program so it will be helpful to your clients who run office pools.
FOOTCHAL.ZIP [0] Football Challenge V1.0 Football Pool.
FOOTPO.ZIP [0] Excellent office football pool prg.
GM92FIX2.ZIP [0] Football bet pool fix upd 2.
GM92FIX3.ZIP [0] Football bet pool fix upd 3.
HPOOL20.ZIP [0] The Hockey Pool Manager V2.0. (Canadian). Manage 30 Members up to 20 players each.
HS11.ZIP [0] HOME STRETCH v1.1 for Windows: This is the most realistic (and fun) horse racing and wagering simulation available! Read the past performances of all the horses in a race to make wise betting decisions. Realistics odds,
JDFTPOOL.ZIP [0] J&D No-Spread Football Pool. Play football pool without worrying about point spread with a new way of handling it.
NCAA15.ZIP [0] March Madness V1.5 - A Program To Automate The NCAA Basketball Office Pools. No More Hassle With A Thousand Sheets To Score, And Rank!.
NCAABB.ZIP [0] NCAA Tournament pool manager.
NCAAPOOL.ZIP [0] Run your own NCAA Basketball Pool.
NFL20.ZIP [0] THE POOL MANAGER v2.0; Football Pool Database/Organizer. Runs 8 different pools for up to 120 participants. Easy to use. Calculates and prints weekly results and keeps season long statistics for a year end
NFLPOOL.ZIP [0] A Football Pool Organizer & Database
NFLPOOL2.ZIP [0] Runs & maintains a football pool for the NFL. Is updated to reflect the 1995 expansion & schedule changes.
NFLTPW11.ZIP [0] NFLTPW v1.1. Windows OWL program used to keep track of the results of an office football pool; supports the 18 week NFL schedule; includes TP source.
OPOOL51.ZIP [0] Office Pool Organizer. Nice!.
PAR_CALC.ZIP [0] PAR-CALC- Excellent program to calculate money line parlays. Maximum 7 play parlay. Supports lines from -300 to +300. Very convenient for baseball and hockey parlays.
PICKS92.ZIP [0] Pool manager for the 1992 NCAA Tournament. If you manage an office pool this program is a big timesaver. Teams are already entered. You just enter selections (one key) and the program does the rest. Also print hard copy program.
PICKS94.ZIP [0] Automates the running of a basketball tournament pool. Players create their own PIX files; game and pool results reports as tourney progresses; can modify weights any time. A mere $5 registration.
PLMSTR23.ZIP [0] Pool Meister v2.3, Football Pool Manager
PMPFL11.ZIP [0] Predman - Pro Football Edition v1.1. Pro Football Office Pool Manager.
POOLBEST.ZIP [0] The best pool program for football, basketball, hockey, etc.
TIP20.ZIP [0] Thoroughbred Investment Program - a complete approach to wagering at the racetrack
TT20_A.ZIP [0] Turbo Tourney - allows you to maintain a college basketball tournament pool in Windows. [1/2]
TT20_B.ZIP [0] Turbo Tourney - allows you to maintain a college basketball tournament pool in Windows. [2/2]